Sunday, 15 May 2011

a shak(e)y start

so i'm a bit late beginning this...i'm just pacing'll be like the tortoise and the hare...though i think it was the hare who gave the tortoise a head start wasn't it...that makes me the hare does it? crap.  never liked that story anyway.  everyone knows tortoises can't talk.

actually this is my second attempt at getting on first blog was eaten up by the blogger earthquake the other day...i believe it still might be recovered from underneath the rubble but but i've got tired waiting so have decided to start a new one.  i'm quite fickle like that.

anyway, 23 things...i have dabbled in some of these web 2.0 things before but some more than others and some not at all...either way it's often good to have a second look at things so i'll try not to cheat...much...

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